VERSUS is a stand up comedy show with a twist! Each show, comedians represent two competing teams (i.e. USA vs. UK, tall vs. short, or stoners vs. alcoholics). They’ll work to impress you with their best material, but the audience gets to decide which team goes home with some money! To get even more involved, you can book your ticket to support one of the teams, and we’ll have you sit on the corresponding sides of the room, just like an archaic wedding 🙂
Our theme this week is: BOYS vs. GIRLS!
Friday, August 9 at 8pm
Come early to grab a drink. We have a full bar available (open 1 hour before the first show of the day) with beer, wine, mixed drinks, free snacks, and table games!
Tickets: €12 online, €15 at the door (if available)
Group Discount 4+: €10 (online only)