What I Saw at the Fringe: Day Three – By Hannah Becker

What I Saw at the Fringe: Day 3, August 7

Sunday was a shorter day for me at the Edinburgh Fringe because I stayed out a bit too late on Saturday. How am I already so tired after just 2 days? As I drank a delicious iced latte in the uncharacteristic sunshine, I checked to see what was on before my flyering duties, and saw that there was an interesting show starting in just a few minutes (this is a theme for my decision-making for sure).

I was the last person to make it in from the PWYC line to see Amy Gledhill: The Girl Before The Girl You Marry. She’s part of the absurdist double act, The Delightful Sausage, which was nominated for Best Show at the Fringe in 2019. But this was a pretty straightforward storytelling-style stand up hour. She joked that the show would be about love and romance, a topic no art form has ever touched on before! But her infectious charisma and hilariously expressive manner make it feel like you are hearing something totally new about these well-trodden topics. When people came in late and interrupted her story, she used it as an opportunity to do some effortless crowd work before resuming the show. If you like energetic storytelling with an incredible laugh-rate, check out Amy Gledhill! But book your tickets in advance, because she’s sure to keep selling out!

After flyering and performing at another great edition of Broke in Barcelona, I stayed after to support Barcelona favorite Stuart Kennedy: Shitegeist. Although he was working with a somewhat tough crowd, Stuart was able to keep people laughing, even after he moved past “the fun part of the show” and into the main story of how everything fell apart in his life during the pandemic. Intense moments are peppered with tension-breaking laughs in an hour of comedy that will leave you wanting more. Come support this up-and-coming act from our little Barcelona scene before he’s catapulted to fame!

I’ve got another week to see as much as I can, so please let me know if you have any recommendations!

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